
Showing posts from February, 2016

Back in the saddle

I've recently started leasing a quarter horse named Jasper at a local barn, and it's so nice to back in the saddle!  Riding in South Florida provides very unique scenery, and the barn is just around the corner from Tree Tops Park and other trail systems.  Just wanted to share some photos, in case you have ever wondered what our trails look like down here! :)  If you're ever in the area, be sure to contact Christe at Double Flush Stables in Davie, she has a handful of great horses to take you out on the trails by appointment :) Jasper is the MAN, such a good boy! Christie out front with Kay-Cee (Mustang x Arabian), Salty the Zorse, Ferrari the Belgian, and Sadie bringing up the rear.  Hawk on the top of the dead tree! Proof there is SOME wide open space down here :) Even the short ride from the barn to the trail head is beautiful.